
A synergistic blend of oils formulated to provide quick relief from inflammation and associated pain.  This blend is very calming and helps to ease nervous tension, stress, and poor circulation.  Aids to uplift, stimulate the regeneration of new cells, and ease anxiety, worries, and fear.  It assists with headaches and migraines, balancing extremes in emotions, and providing comfort during times of grief.   Beneficial for lowering blood pressure, relaxing the mind, and assisting with muscular aches, pain and stiffness.  Assists with spasms, fatigue, infections, fluid retention, sprains, cramps, depression, and acts as a sedative.  May aid to bring peace and help to dispel anger.

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MIGRAINE B-GONE  A synergistic blend of oils formulated to provide quick relief from inflammation and associated pain.  This blend is very calming and helps to ease nervous tension, stress, and poor circulation.  MIGRAINE RELIEF aids to uplift, stimulate the regeneration of new cells, and ease anxiety, worries, and fear.  It assists with headaches and migraines, balancing extremes in emotions, and providing comfort during times of grief.   Beneficial for lowering blood pressure, relaxing the mind, and assisting with muscular aches, pain and stiffness.  MIGRAINE RELIEF may assist with spasms, fatigue, infections, fluid retention, sprains, cramps, depression, and acts as a sedative.

Traditional Application: Apply a few drops topically to the back of the neck, across the forehead, and on the temples.

Emotional Use:  May aid to bring peace and help to dispel anger. 

Contains:  Basil, Sweet Marjoram, Provence Lavender, Peppermint SuperiorRoman Chamomile, Helichrysum italicum

CAUTION:  When using Helichrysum italicum, be very careful if dealing with a person who has a blood disease that causes them to be a CLOTTER (vs. a bleeder) OR when using medications that cause thickening or clotting of the blood.  Remember LESS is BEST and usually, only  1 – 2 drops at most are needed.


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