TANGERINE (Citrus reticulate): GRAS ~May assist digestion, water retention, obesity, calming to nerves, laxative, constipation and parasites.  Supports the lymphatic, digestive and nervous systems. A chemical found in tangerine is very effective in shrinking tumors (apply over area).  Reduces and smoothes out stretch marks and helps break down cellulite fat pockets. Aids diarrhea, constipation (laxative), parasites, intestinal and muscle spasms, tired aching limbs, circulation (extremities), stimulates liver, gall bladder, flatulence, belching, cramps, PMS, dizziness, anxiety, calming to nerves, stress, tension, soothing and strengthening to nervous system. Anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant.
Emotional Influence:  Aids to relieve emotional grief, stress and fear. Inclines one to be cheerful, inspires and assists to bring SHaLoM (a sense of peace).
Constituent:Â Â Monoterpenes/Aldehydes
Descriptor:Â Stimulates liver, aids digestion, decongestant, alkalizing, calming, anti-febrile.
Found In:  Citrus Craze.
*Eco-Cultivated:Â Mexico or Italy
Expressed:Â Plant
*Organically grown but not certified.
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