NIAOULI ~ Melaleuca viridifloria, Quinquenervia


May aid infections, male hormonal action, impotence, viral hepatitis, slow digestion, ulcers, intestinal parasites, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, serious skin disease, acne, boils, insect bites, psoriasis, gangrenous wounds . . .

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MELALEUCA, Niaouli (Melaleuca veridifloria, quinquenervia):  Also known as True NIAOULI and is hard to find because it is often adulterated with other oils. Anti-infectious, anti-bacterial and a strong antiseptic (urinary, pulmonary, and intestinal). Anti-fungal (candida), anti-viral (includes “slow” virus), anti-parasitic, anti-catarrh, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hepatic – cell stimulant, venous decongestant, anti-tumor (rectal cancer), radiation protective, hormone-like (action on hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal axis, and ovarian-testicular system). Assist infections, male hormonal action, impotence, viral hepatitis, slow digestion, ulcers, intestinal parasites, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, serious skin disease, acne, boils, and insect bites. Aids wrinkles, psoriasis, leprosy type ulcers (or itchy, scaly skin), collection of pus, gangrenous wounds, cold abscesses, scalp crusts, protects from deep burns in radiation (used pre and post radiation treatment), herpes and shingles. Known to be helpful as an adrenal stimulant. Stimulant for testicular action, sluggish liver and pancreas problems and an aid for arterial hypertension. Very beneficial for all respiratory complaints, aids circulation, hemorrhoids, cold, fever, increases white blood cells, immuno-globulins and antibody activity. Is a prophylaxis for scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, mumps, tetanus bacillus, swollen glands, typhoid fever (inhalation).

Emotional Influence: Clears head, aids concentration and reviving. Excellent diffused.

Application: Used as a rinse for mouth and hands before surgery to avoid shock, nausea and to prevent infections. When entering a sick room, cover your face with linen or a gauze mask impregnated with a few drops or spray the room with such.

Constituent: Oxides/Monoterpenes

Descriptor: Expectorant, antioxidant, stimulates liver, aids digestion, decongestant, antibiotic.

Eco-Cultivated: Australia

Distilled:  Leaf & Twig


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